On the 2nd floor of the Hairpin Arts Center off of Milwaukee and Kimball in the Logan Square neighborhood of Chicago you will find a lovely, welcoming, and incredibly supportive open mic during Wednesday nights called Lyrics and Libations. Hosted by the well respected Chicago hip hop artist BOLY Blaise, including a well oiled supporting cast such as Sarah Duby, OG Blvckman, FURY, Daniel Pogorzelski, and more; together they bring to life a community around music and the very real need for hip hop self expression and opportunity.
Lyrics and Libations is sponsored by Off Color Brewing - Mousetrap you can find their delicious beers at their location off of Kingsbury or on the 2nd floor of the Hairpin Arts Center during an L&L open mic! If you’re looking to discover some hidden talents, or experience veterans of their craft, head on up to Hairpin Arts Center on every Wednesday of the month starting at 8PM.
IG: https://www.instagram.com/lyricsandlibations_openmic/